Monday, March 7, 2011

The AWANA Grand Prix

On March 2nd, my church had their AWANA Grand Prix. I designed my racing car after a solar car called The Solar Wing. You can win for design or speed. You get a trophy if you win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. My car was #8 and called The Solar Wing. Gramma and Cathy came ( Papa was sick) to watch. I made two signs for Cathy and Elijah to hold. I went for speed. My car won every heat! My fastest speed and track record was 189.9 mph! I got 1st place for speed! It was really fun!

Me with my car and trophys.
The winners of speed and other racing cars.

The racing cars for this year.

Cathy, Gramma, and me.

Elijah with his club and sign